
Basler Camera Troubleshooting Guide

Why many portions of my image are very dark or very dark red, with noise artifacts? How to solve it?
a. Root causes  If the reflection from a surface is either too strong (saturation) or too weak, then the distance cannot be calculated properly and is bec...
Wed, 28 Aug, 2019 at 4:27 PM
Usage of Dual GenICam XML Files on scout GigE Vision Cameras (solves long opening times)
Symptom: Newer scout-GigE Cameras take longer to "connect / open / initialize" when used on older software. Specifically, if you tried to run sc...
Wed, 28 Aug, 2019 at 5:14 PM
When connecting my Basler USB 3.0 camera for the first time it takes a while until it's ready to use.
If you connect a Basler USB 3.0 camera to a USB 3.0 port on your PC for the first time, it may happen that it takes quite some time (e.g. 5 minutes) for you...
Wed, 28 Aug, 2019 at 5:42 PM
Pylon installer error 0x80070643 : Failed to execute MSI package.
Possible Causes: Directshow adapter collides with some component in Windows. Drivers, in most cases GigE driver, cannot be installed because a firewall o...
Thu, 29 Aug, 2019 at 3:15 PM
Unable to install Basler blue pulse camera driver in Windows 10.
Issue was solved by installing the latest microscopy software from Basler - version 2.1.  Link:Basler Microscopy Software
Thu, 29 Aug, 2019 at 3:18 PM
Error 1722 - Installation issue / unable to install GigE filter driver in Windows 7
By default in Windows 7, Windows itself will limit the maximum number of filter drivers to be installed to 8 filter drivers. Those drivers might installed f...
Fri, 30 Aug, 2019 at 3:40 PM
I’ve installed the Basler pylon Viewer and a pylon network driver (either the Basler Filter Driver or the Basler Performance Driver), but I do not see any camera discovered in pylon Viewer. Why?
You must configure the IP address of your network adapter and your camera. Generally, there are two approaches to configuring a network adapter: "Fixed...
Fri, 30 Aug, 2019 at 3:50 PM
Which network adapters are compatible with the Basler pylon performance driver?
Basler provides two GigE Vision network drivers for interfacing Basler GigE Vision cameras:  The Basler filter driver is a basic GigE Vision network drive...
Fri, 30 Aug, 2019 at 3:59 PM
Error shown while grabbing image for Basler Dart Camera
Please reinstall the USB 3 driver.
Mon, 2 Sep, 2019 at 5:09 PM
Is the Advantech IO card will have any problem to run on windows 10 64-bit system?
It is ok to upgrade your system to Windows 10. However, you will need the latest version of driver and SDK, the download link is stated as below. Link: Late...
Mon, 2 Sep, 2019 at 5:25 PM