
Basler Camera Troubleshooting Guide

Dark row issue on image (AOI = 2592 x 100)
Root cause  : Dead pixel on camera sensors Solutions     : Replace a new camera
Tue, 3 Sep, 2019 at 9:19 AM
Error: "A device attached to the system is not functioning. "for Basler Pulse Camera USB3 in WMware 14
Problem: It can capture 1/4 size of original resolution only. Solution: -It is due to the VMware USB3 limitation, unable to support fast speed U...
Tue, 3 Sep, 2019 at 11:54 AM
Why Basler racer 4096-80km camera unable to run at 80KHz?
This is because the camera is using 12-bit pixel format while camera link interface only support 8-bit pixel format under 10-tap geometry configuration.
Wed, 4 Sep, 2019 at 5:26 PM
Why USB3 camera can not perform continuous grab/FIFO acquisition under manual trigger mode?
Manual trigger mode only give single acquisition inside vision pro with USB3 camera. You may use pylon viewer for live view during setup.
Thu, 5 Sep, 2019 at 9:25 AM
Installation issue with Error 1722
There are few steps for the solution. 1. Increase the maximum number of the filter driver.  2. Increase the maximum filter count in the Windows regi...
Thu, 5 Sep, 2019 at 11:14 AM
Why unable to lunch the Basler framerate calculator?
The issue is caused by opening the tools with archiver software (WinRar / WinZip). Try to open the tools with Java RE tool will solve the problem. 
Mon, 9 Sep, 2019 at 9:26 AM
Why i can't receive data from Baumer Verisens smart camera vis TCP communication protocol?
Solutions: Use "Putty" ( A terminal program for windows to listen data from smart camera). Under protocol selection, change SSH option to Telne...
Mon, 16 Sep, 2019 at 1:48 PM
Why there is grid pattern appear on my image display?
If the grid only appear superimposed at certain zoom ratio, and do not appear in the original image at 100%, this is due to image downsizing in the pylon vi...
Tue, 17 Sep, 2019 at 11:27 AM
Why my USB3 camera cannot reach maximum frame rate (fps)?
Camera exposure time will slow down camera speed, please check on it. By default, Basler camera will limit the camera’s speed to 50% of the maximum speed....
Wed, 18 Sep, 2019 at 1:43 PM
How to speed up saving image on the hard disc on ARM?
In general saving image on the hard disc is a time critical operation.  Saving a 5 mega pixel image on a i7 PC with a good sata hard disc can take up to 3...
Wed, 18 Sep, 2019 at 1:50 PM