
  • Unable to trigger 2 cameras with single trigger signal from the optocoupler card.
  • Able to trigger only signal camera in one time with the same setup.
  • Able to trigger 2 camera at the same time with single trigger signal in pylon viewer, but not using their software (Own develop program).

Reasons/Root Cause:

  • Issue was caused by the 2 cameras connect to a single host controller USB3 frame grabber and the bandwidth insufficient issue happen when the 2 cameras are grabbing and sending the data to the FG at the same times. 
  • The camera grab class in their program is not manage properly. So when the camera is failed to grab, the camera is keep waiting for the incoming trigger signal and the program did not restart the camera when the grab status is failed. So, rearrange the programming code to let the camera go back to the start grabbing stage when the grab status is failed and solve the problem.