Basler racer Line Scan

Basler racer Line Scan

What is the maximum height for Basler racer GigE Line Scan camera?
The Basler racer GigE camera acts differently if compared to other linescan. It will accumulate lines inside camera before sending to host computer.  The ...
Tue, 25 Feb, 2020 at 12:25 PM
How to power reset Basler racer line scan camera?
There are 2 ways to power reset the device. 1. Execute the power reset command in pylon viewer. 2. Execute the command by using Pylon API.  ...
Tue, 27 Aug, 2019 at 10:31 AM
Does line scan camera support encoder?
There are 2 types of line scan camera: 1. GigE line scan  2. Camera Link line scan camera.  For both GigE and CameraLink line scan camera, it supports ...
Thu, 5 Sep, 2019 at 11:18 AM
Can the Basler line scan camera crop image in multi-location (multiple ROI)?
Question: -Can the Basler line scan camera crop image in multi-location (multiple ROI)?  Answer: - Bitflow frame grabbers do not support multiple ROIs o...
Fri, 28 Feb, 2020 at 3:58 PM
Can Racer line scan camera receive multiple encoder pulse signal as one trigger signal?
Question: -Can Racer line scan camera receive multiple encoder pulse signal as one trigger signal?  Answer: -Yes, frequency converter module can do the ...
Mon, 2 Mar, 2020 at 2:26 PM
Can raL4096-80km achieve 80 kHz with 83.5 MHz clock speed?
Question: - If I used clock speed of 83.5 Mhz and even for 4 taps and AOI of 4096, 80 kHz should be achievable? - raL4096-80km.  Answer:  - If use the...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 5:22 PM
Can Basler spL 4096-140km series using 10-tap geometry configuration with 12-bit pixel format?
Question: - Can Basler spL 4096-140km series using 10-tap geometry configuration with a 12-bit pixel format? Answer: - No. For the camera link interfa...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 5:27 PM
Is Basler racer 4096-80km only support mono 8bits image format output?
Question: - Basler racer 4096-80km only support mono 8bits image format output? Answer: - The choice of a pixel format determines the bit depth of the...
Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 at 9:43 AM
How to change Camera Link camera parameters during runtime?
Question: - How to change camera exposure and gain? Not from Pylon Viewer. From CiView program during run time.  Answer: - User can change the camera p...
Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 at 2:45 PM
How to use burst mode for raL line scan camera?
Question: - Can Basler line scan camera use basler sample code? - How to use brust mode for raL line scan camera?  Answer: - Basler sample code can wor...
Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 at 4:20 PM