
-Tried to set the exposure time with pylon API, but "exposureTime" is returned as NULL.

CEnumerationPtr exposureTime(nodemap.GetNode("ExposureTimeRaw"));
if (exposureTime != NULL)

Is it that exposure time cannot be adjusted from API? Or the string they give is wrong?


-Use the string name "ExposureTime" to make changes on exposure time desired.

INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
CFloatPtr exposuretime(nodemap.GetNode("ExposureTime"));
double newExposureTime

Existence of "ExposureTimeRaw" depend on camera model, it only lead null pointer if your camera do not posses such feature.

Moreover, if you found that the setting value is not exact same as typed (but closer value), this may due to predefined increment value inside the camera.