It is depends on the material properties of the part and the bin. The Albedo* may vary, even if the color seems for us the same. 

*Albedo or material reflectivity coefficient is the amount of light reflected (diffuse reflection). 

-Some materials like snow reflect almost all light, thus the albedo is close to 1 (meaning 100% of the light is reflected).

-White paper reflects most of the light, but it is not so bright as snow -- it reflects about 70% of the light and thus the albedo is 0.7.

-Some materials reflect very low light, such as black rubber. We still can see them, because our eyes are very well adapted to dynamic differences. Even when it reflects only a tenth of the light, it is still enough to see them well.


Black rubber cable (albedo cca 0.1) on white paper sheet (albedo of 0.7)