Since 2007 Basler provides the pylon Camera Software Suite (API) for interfacing with Basler’s IEEE 1394 (FireWire), GigE Vision, Camera Link and USB3 Vision cameras.
The table below shows which pylon version supports which camera interfaces and uses which Microsoft compiler.

*S400 speed on Windows XP SP2 requires the addition of patch KB885222.
S800 speed on Windows XP SP2 requires a partial driver rollback to SP1.
** S400 and S800 speeds without limitations. No patch or rollback required.
*** Unofficially supported (possible compilation problems).
NA: No information available
- Starting with pylon 2.2.0 a new pylon C API (for working with Microsoft Visual C, Borland C V5.5 or any other 3rd party compilers like GNU GCC, MinGW etc.) and a new pylonC.NET API, which is a .NET language wrapper around the pylon C API, are available.
- Starting with pylon 5.0.5 a new native pylon .NET API is available.
- Since 2009 the pylon C++ API (pylon Camera Software Suite for Linux version 2.0.3) is available for Linux operating systems, too.
- Since 2016 a pylon C API (pylon Camera Software Suite for Linux version 5.0.5) is available for Linux, too.
- Since 2016 the pylon C++ API (pylon Camera Software Suite for Mac OS X version 5.0.5) is available for Mac OS X operating systems, too.