PGI is a proprietary algorithm run inside the camera's FGPA, which includes the following features:
- 5x5 De-Bayering
- Color Anti-Aliasing
- Sharpness (Not available in daA1280-54uc)
- De-noising
PGI representation in Dart and Pulse Cameras (PGI is essentially "Always On"):
- 5x5 De-bayering (automatic)
- Color Anti-Aliasing (automatic)
- Sharpness (user-adjustable-slider)
- De-noising (automatic)
PGI representation in Ace U and Ace L (PGI can be turned on/off):
- Demosaicing Mode (Choose between "Standard" and "PGI". This is the "on/off" switch)
- 5x5 De-bayering (automatic)
- Color Anti-aliasing (automatic)
- De-Noising (user-adjustable-slider)
- Sharpness (user-adjustable-slider)
1. PGI features are only available when the camera is run in RGB or YUV Image Format.
2. Features are not available when "Bayer" Image Format is used.
3. PGI is only available in color cameras.
4. All features are also available also via the Pylon API.